Sunday, March 6, 2022

7 Potential Cryptocurrencies To Invest In 2022

 Cryptocurrencies have been a hot topic for years now, and as the development and adoption continue, they are likely going to grow bigger and bigger — not only in terms of value, but popularity, use, number, and more.

With that said, it is important to identify the right coins to invest in. The crypto industry is alive, and its evolution continues to produce new coins that are replacing the ones belonging to past trends. There are some exceptions, of course, such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which do not belong to trends but are universally desired and leading coins due to their importance in setting up the crypto industry and helping it evolve.

On the other hand, there are projects that are emerging due to their relations with the currently dominating trends, such as DeFi, Metaverse, and NFTs. These are currently the most popular trends in crypto, and they show no signs of stopping or being replaced as of yet. In fact, they are showing signs that they will stick around for years, and that means that they are still in their early stages. As such, this is the time to invest in them, especially when it comes to the cheap ones.

With that said, here are our top 7 suggestions for cheap coins that have tremendous potential to blow up in the future.

1. Cardano

The largest of the 7 coins that we aim to recommend, and the one with the greatest potential, is Cardano (ADA). This is a project that aims to create a development platform, similar to Ethereum. However, unlike Ethereum, Cardano is trying to be infinitely more scalable, faster, and cheaper.

The project has come up with 5 stages of development — 5 Eras, as it calls them — and so far, it completed the first two. While this took a lot of time, Cardano has ensured that it will progress slowly, and focus on quality, rather than quantity. With its smart contracts only emerging in October 2021, the project’s development platform is extremely young, and already uncomparably better than what Ethereum has to offer.

Ethereum still has massive importance in the crypto world — it is the first development platform, it showed everyone that blockchain is a lot more than just a ledger, and it is the father of pretty much every trend that ever emerged in crypto. However, when it comes to its technical capabilities, it has reached its limit a long time ago, and it cannot accommodate the demand anymore. Fortunately, Cardano can, and Ethereum’s high fees have pushed many towards the younger and more capable project. Cardano is blowing up at a massive speed, and for the time being, its native coin, ADA, is still only $1.04, after an exceptional dip. With ADA bound to blow up again when the market allows it, this is the perfect time to buy the dip and wait for the change to happen.

To learn more about this token visit our How to invest in Cardano guide.

2. Polkadot

The next on our list is Polkadot (DOT) — a project that aims to use its secure network to achieve two things — scalability and interoperability. Polkadot can achieve both of these things with its unique approach that includes running a main blockchain, and alongside it, a number of parallel chains called parachains.

These parachains can be used in two ways — to take over a portion of the work that the network has to deal with and reduce the load on the main chain, as well as to connect to other blockchains in the crypto industry. As such, they allow Polkadot to spread out, expand, and create a network, which makes it one of the leading projects in the area of interoperability.

In fact, Polkadot is one of the most important Web 3.0 projects because of this. Since Web 3.0 will almost certainly run on blockchain technology with the goal of achieving real decentralization, and projects like Polkadot enabling that — Polkadot and its token DOT have a long and successful journey ahead of them.

To learn more about this token visit our How to invest in Polkadot guide.

3. Avalanche

In the third spot, we have Avalanche (AVAX). Avalanche is a project that is similar to Cardano, in a sense that it is a development platform that puts speed, affordability, and security ahead of everything else. The project claims to be the fastest smart contracts platform in the blockchain industry, with low transaction cost, and eco-friendliness as its main selling points.

Of course, speed and low cost are crucial for development, but eco-friendliness has also emerged as one of the most important aspects that define a good project. Concerns about the carbon footprint of crypto have always been high, but they skyrocketed higher than ever in 2021, after Elon Musk announced that Tesla will stop accepting BTC payments due to its massive energy consumption that has a negative impact on the environment.

Ever since, eco-friendliness became a major requirement for projects, and Avalanche is offering it with the promise that any smart contract-enabled app can outperform all competition simply by deploying on its blockchain.

To learn more about this token visit our How to invest in Avalanche guide.

4. Shiba Inu

On a bit of a lighter note, we have Shiba Inu (SHIB). Now, SHIB is not a coin that aims to change the world or dominate the cryptocurrency industry. It is a memecoin — which is a trend kickstarted by the success that Dogecoin, the original memecoin has seen. After it was created as a joke cryptocurrency in 2013, DOGE was meant to bring a bit of lightheartedness to crypto, and disappear in a few months.

Instead, it managed to stick around for nearly a decade now, and about a year ago, it saw the largest surge of popularity in the history of crypto. In fact, it became the top performer of 2021, which inspired the memecoin trend.

Now, SHIB itself was created before DOGE’s massive rise to power in early 2021, but it was this event that made SHIB itself popular. The DOGE clone even managed to outperform the original at one point last year in every aspect except for the price, even achieving a greater market cap. This led to countless listings, great demand, and massive popularity. And, while DOGE has reclaimed its position of a “top dog” among memecoins since then, SHIB remains under the spotlight, right next to Dogecoin.

To learn more about this token visit our How to invest in Shiba Inu guide.

5. Decentraland

Speaking of popularity, the biggest and most popular trend in the crypto industry right now is metaverse. Metaverse exploded in late 2021, and its popularity continues to grow in 2022, as people around the world are learning of it and its possibilities. With Decentraland (MANA) being one of the oldest and most advanced metaverse projects, it is believed that this project has a great future ahead of it.

Decentraland offers a digital world where users can purchase plots of land — which come in the form of NFTs — and use them for a variety of purposes. This digital land can be used for anything from organizing digital events for friends and fans, to being used for app and game development.

In the last month alone, there were several noteworthy instances of its use, including the digital event revolving around the new year’s celebration, as well as the launch of digital events organized by the Australian Open. With the Australian Open being one of the four Grand Slams, and one of the biggest and most popular sporting events in the world, so drawing attention to Decentraland is likely to have massive long-term effects. Unfortunately, due to the bearish market, MANA is currently failing to grow in response to the increased usage and attention. However, once the bearish trend passes, the coin is likely to explode.

To learn more about this token visit our How to invest in Decentraland guide.

6. Axie Infinity

Nearing the end of the list, we have Axie Infinity (AXS), which is another metaverse and NFT-based project. However, rather than selling digital land like Decentraland does, Axie created a blockchain-based game set into a vast digital world, which contains monsters in the form of NFTs.

These monsters — not unlike those from Pokemon — can be used by players in battles against other users. As NFTs, they can be bought and sold, and whoever owns the NFT will keep owning the monster, as well, for as long as that NFT remains in their possession. Furthermore, players can also breed monsters and upgrade them with over 500 different body parts belonging to all kinds of creatures.

However, the real attraction of Axie lies in the fact that it uses the so-called play-to-earn model, which allows users to earn real money simply by winning battles or breeding monsters and selling the newly created beasts. Winning in battles grants players AXS tokens, which can then be used to buy new monsters or upgrades, or simply withdraw it to an exchange and convert it into another crypto or fiat currencies.

Axie is the biggest and most popular blockchain game as of January 2022, and likely for a long time to come, so with only a small investment and then some fun gameplay, you can even make some income. It is easy, user-friendly, a great way to pass the time, and it lets you earn money. With all that, it is easy to understand why we believe that this project has so much potential.

To learn more about this token visit our How to invest in Axie Infinity guide.

7. The Sandbox

Finally, we have The Sandbox (SAND) as the last entry on the list. Another metaverse project, Sandbox aims to revolutionize the gaming industry, or at least take the first step towards doing it. The project is not like Axie Infinity, but also not like Decentraland.

It does offer a blockchain-based virtual world, but it uses it in a different way. Essentially, it allows users to create, build, buy, and sell digital assets in the form of a game. It combines the power of DAO and NFTs to create a thriving gaming community that runs itself, decides for itself, and can create multiple games for other community members to play, and earn from.

This approach will grant community members an easy way to express their ideas, but also to experience games that came from their own peers, rather than companies and official studios. And, as mentioned, thanks to the play-to-earn model, they also stand to make a decent profit.

To learn more about this token visit our How to invest in The Sandbox guide.


The crypto industry is bigger and more diverse than ever before, and while it is currently going through a rough patch in terms of prices — major drops can also mean massive opportunities to buy the dip and earn excellent profits once the bearish wave passes, and prices return to normal. All you need to do is learn which coins to go for, and the list above presents you with some of our top recommendations on which coins have the potential to go big in the future